l'Annee Philologique is an excellent index of articles for classics, but it does not include full text.
To find that, do the following:
copy the title of the article,
open another tab in your browser and go to the library home page,
change the catalog search in the center of the page from CBBcat to OneSearch,
paste the title of the article into the search box for OneSearch.
OneSearch searches both the CBB catalog and most of our databases for articles. This means that it is not very good to use when you just have keyword terms in mind, but can be extremely helpful in finding articles when you have a citation but don't know what database it might be in.
If you get too many incorrect results pasting in just the title, add the author's name as well.
If the article is not available at Colby, you can click on the link to request it from another library through Interlibrary Loan. It will come by email in just a few days.